
Diesel engine assembly big screw Blowing Automatic Tightening



· Customer needs:

1.M10 * 30 and M10 * 40, large screw blowing + tightening;

2. Cost performance and beat;

· Working condition analysis:

1. In view of the hole dislocation caused by poor product consistency, floating technology is used to improve the success rate of hole entry and tightening;

2. The screw of the project is large, M10 * 40, and it is difficult to blow in the automatic station, and the screw feeding tube is 15 m, so the blowing distance is long. The screw blowing tube has good flexibility and supports long-distance conveying;

3. In order to pursue the rhythm, the two modules are tightened at the same time. In addition, considering the different distances of tightening positions, the double-shaft variable pitch is tightened;

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